Serves 1
Prep time: 5 minutes
Calories- 514
Protein- 49.8g
Carbohydrates- 75.5g
Fat- 7.3g
4 weet-bix biscuits
1 cup almond milk
1 tsp granulated sweetener
1 cup low-fat Greek yoghurt
25g (3.75 level tablespoons) True Collagen in Rich Chocolate - New & Improved Collagen with Vitamin C | True Protein
25g m&m speckled eggs
1. Crush the weet-bix into a container, then add in the sweetener and milk, stir until combined.
2. To make the chocolate layer, add yoghurt and collagen into a bowl and mix until smooth. Spoon this over the weet-bix base then top with the chocolate eggs.
3. Place into the fridge to set overnight and enjoy!