Dan & Josh

Dan & JoshDan & Josh

Dan & Josh

We’re Josh & Dan, two physiotherapists and long-distance runners passionate about all things running. We love helping runners prevent and rehab injuries while maximising their training. One of our proudest achievements is growing our Instagram community, The Everyday Athletes—a no-BS, positive space that keeps health and training real.

Our greatest physical achievement? Tackling our latest ultra—125km through the night as a team!

How True products fuel our health and fitness goals

Fuelling your body is one of the most important aspects of successful long-distance running, for both race performance as well as recovery. True products ensure our nutrition is on-point so we can get the most out of our training, recovery, and race day performance. 

Favourite True products

  1. WPI 90 - this is just a staple. Josh can't go past the Rich Chocolate and Dan the Banana & Honey flavour. This is part of our everyday post exercise routine (either gym or running).

  2. Protein Bars - Choc Mint is elite, this is packed as a work snack most days.

  3. Electrolytes - Lemon Burst is genuinely the most refreshing and tasty electrolyte to drink after a long-run or intense interval session.

  4. Gut Health - sneaks into our top 4! It’s part of our morning routine, as two runners who have the usual gut irritations, this has been so helpful in keeping our stomachs in check.

What motivates us

As physiotherapists with nearly eight years of experience in both private practice and hospital settings, we've seen just how much misleading advice exists in the health and fitness space. We're driven to provide realistic, science-based guidance to help everyday people take control of their health—because being healthy is often simpler than it seems!

Proudest achievement

Our proudest achievement? Every runner we've helped return from injury to cross the finish line. Those are the wins that keep us going!

Favourite True Value

Be Balanced!

This is essential, we love prioritising exercise, eating good quality food and hitting the hay early, but this shouldn’t mean not enjoying a cheeky wine, choccy, or tv binge here and there. If you get the balance right, being healthy can be easier than you think.