It has been an honour to support you in maintaining your health and fitness over the past decade. You, our customers, are what inspire us to be better and pursue our mission of a world of healthier people. Over the years, some of your stories have touched our hearts, from incredible weight loss to lifestyle overhauls, we are so happy to have been a part of your individual health and fitness journeys. In celebrating 10 years of us, we also want to celebrate you, so we’ve asked some of our customers to share their stories in the hope of inspiring health through community.
Craig Sargent NSW: Perseverance to peak performance
I started using True to help me gain a bit of weight and muscle as I have always been quite thin, and I used to think too thin to be honest. I have trained Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for 9 years and have dabbled in the gym and yoga in the past as well but not fully committed to them in the past.
But then about 15 months ago I had somewhat of an epiphany and decided that I need to start taking my health seriously and look after my body for my little 7 yr. old daughter Stevie and be active and be around for her, so I decided to switch careers and give up alcohol and focus on BJJ. I am now training at least 4 days a week. I go to the gym at least 5 days a week, I have 3 or 4 ice baths and saunas a week and True has been an integral part of my diet the whole way through.

15 months ago, I weighed 68kgs and wasn't eating well at all and drinking too much alcohol. I am now sober 15 months eating a lot better and weigh 84kgs this is probably a little heavier than ideal but am working on getting to a competition weight of around 80kgs.
My mother passed away suddenly in September last year which solidified my resolve to not go back to that life I was leading, and I now have set myself goals this year which I will achieve. The main one being going to Las Vegas to compete in the World Master Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Competition where all the best Jiu Jitsu athletes from around the world gather to compete for a gold medal and the prestige. This is where I want to be and test myself against the best in the world.
I love True Protein as it's a product I believe works if you use it correctly. And I will continue to use True as a supplement for my nutrition to achieve my goals. I love that it's just around the corner and everyone that I have dealt with over the years has been so lovely.
Madonna Volkman QLD: Going back to her roots

My backstory is that I’m a single mum of two boys, both of which have special needs. It’s crazy, exhausting unpredictable, but it was what I was meant to do. It’s really a life of riding the waves. Fitness has always been a huge part of my life. I started at the age of five as a sprinter, and I’ve tried many different things over the years from the short distances of sprinting to the longer distances of marathons. It’s kept me going, given me those positive vibes and kept me mentally well. So having the right fuel is very important. I set myself challenges and goals to achieve. I couldn’t live without them. My latest one is going back to my roots of sprinting with the hope of competing in the 2025 masters' games. At the age of 53 it’s an exciting, nerve wracking and everything in between challenge but I’m embracing the ride, and my True products will continue to be part of that journey.
I was first introduced to True by a dear friend and trainer and I’ve never looked back. I’ve tried quite a few of the True products, all of which I love, but obviously I have my staples as well. I’m a huge fan of ZMA because it’s so important for someone who wants to get the best out of their body and pushes hard and I also do suffer some sleep issues as well. My other favourite which is probably my all-time favourite is the Protein Bars. What I love the most about protein bars is that they are such a quick and easy way to starve the hunger pains and get the protein into you so easily. We’re pushing protein in my gym group, and it’s easy with the bars. Out of all the different protein bars I’ve tried, and there are a number that I do like, True is the one I absolutely love. I’m not saying there aren’t others I like. But in our climate with the ones covered in a chocolate coating, as nice as they might taste, just melt everywhere. Others have a real powdery taste and texture because of the protein powder used, but the True protein bars are just the bomb. I love the taste. I love the texture. I love the ease. It’s one I don’t want to do without.
Evrim Leventler NSW: Leading by example

You guys have been a huge part of my fitness journey. During lockdown last year, I went through a bad depression and let myself go, and without the help of the powders and bars, it would have been much harder to get back into shape. I really just want to express my gratitude for all the clean high-quality products that don't mess with my skin and digestion. I'm just so grateful.
I've also found joy in helping a couple of my friends work on their own fitness journeys too, and they've made a tremendous change. My good friend Scott worked his butt off (literally), stuck to the plan and absolutely killed it. He's now off on his own journey after we got him down to a low enough bodyfat range, very much enjoying his bulking phase now. Another of my best friends Phil does not even look like the same person anymore! I got him onto the True products. Phil is now returning the favour as my accountability bro as I go into another dieting phase after my shoulder injury 6 months ago.
Madeleine Lobsey NSW: Science to solution
I was sick of having no energy and sick of feeling like I had lost my freedom of movement. I had tried to deal with my health on and off for decades. I’m now 49 and at 47.5 I decided I needed to handle it once and for all before I hit menopause.

I got myself a metabolic science coach who developed an eating protocol and he put me onto True Protein. He was adamant I use these products and not others. I have had many shakes in my life and have previously hated them! For just over a year, I have had two True Protein shakes a day and a true protein bar among other foods.
I have lost 65kgs. I also feel the best I have in years. I have had no sugar or alcohol and feel internally great. I genuinely love the shakes and bars and continue to look forward to eating them.
Oh, and I really love the True Hot Chocolate. It’s my nightly treat.
I buy online from you and from a Woolworths that is a 30min drive from my house when I run out and need it fast. Tried to get my local woolies to stock it and no luck yet 🤣.