Protein for Women - Toning & Weight Loss

True Protein Blog Avatar Fallback reviewed by our Nutrition Team 03 October 2016

Protein isn't just for bulky muscle men! Women can use protein effectively for weight loss and toning, too

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Protein for Women - Toning & Weight Loss

What image do you think of when you hear the word protein? Is it a bulked up muscular man? The local gym rats? Or the toned fitness models you follow on Instagram? If you just questioned the inclusion of toned fitness models, you’ve probably fallen for the age old protein myth – protein is for jacked men. It’s time to debunk this myth. Protein won’t make you bulky. Protein is a vital nutrient that supports the construction and maintenance of lean muscle. To get the most out of your hard work in the gym, you need a quality level of protein in your diet. Those fitness models you follow on Instagram and Facebook with the flat stomach and bikini booty, they’re living proof of the benefits of protein. The purpose of this article is to help you understand the benefits of protein and how it can be used for both weight loss and toning.


Protein for Toning

Whilst your body needs carbs and healthy fats for energy, protein is essential for tissue growth and repair. That means if you’re smashing out intense leg sessions in the gym, a lack of protein can significantly hinder your ability to recover and grow.

Similarly, protein safeguards against the loss of muscle. When you’re trying a low calorie diet to get rid of excess fat, your body will begin to use protein as energy which can have a negative impact on muscle mass. Thus, if you’re trying to lose weight through a low calorie diet, maintaining a quality protein level will prevent your body from breaking down your muscles for energy, instead turning its focus to any excess fat stores.

Don’t worry, increasing your protein intake to build and maintain lean muscle won’t make you look bulky. Women don’t have nearly as much testosterone in their bodies as their male counterparts and are subsequently not predisposed to building bulky muscle. Thus, you can safely consume a high protein diet without having to worry about building masculine muscle.


Protein for Weight Loss

Did you know, when digesting protein your body uses 25-30% of the energy provided just to effectively digest the calories? If you’re looking to minimize your caloric intake and burn any excess fat, a high protein diet is a must. Not only will a high protein diet ensure your body draws its energy from excess fat stores, it’ll also make sure you don’t feel hungry and crave unplanned cheat meals.

The lowest calorie way to consume protein is in a whey protein shake. That’s right you can use whey protein for weight loss! Protein powders including whey protein isolate have extremely low levels of carbs and fats, meaning the calories you consume are virtually pure protein. Thus, True WPI90 shakes are one of the best weight loss shakes. Nevertheless, we wouldn’t advise you rely on protein powder as your only source of protein. Rather it should be used to supplement a well-rounded diet. Other quality sources of protein include eggs, fish, chicken and other meats.

Best supplements for weight loss

Traditionally, quality sources of protein aren’t easy ‘grab n go’ foods. Subsequently, a high protein diet can have a variety of convenience issues. Thankfully, protein powder enables you to get the protein you need anytime and anywhere! Considering protein is best consumed 15-30 minutes following a workout to maximize results and recovery, having a protein powder shake with you at the gym can help you reach new heights.

High-quality whey protein is the best supplement for weight loss. If you’re looking for some of the cleanest and most pure whey protein in Australia, check out our WPI90. We also have a specialised weight loss formula in our range, Prodefine, which has been blended with proven fat-burning ingredients to kick start your toning program. 


Give it a try!

Hopefully, this article has helped you put the myth of 'protein is for jacked men' behind you and has encouraged you to trial a higher protein diet. The exact quantity of protein requirements for women is heavily debated, however consuming between 0.5g to 1g of protein per pound of your bodyweight seems to be a widely agreed upon quantity. The variance between the 0.5g and 1g will depend on how often and how intensely you train. If you train regularly and have an active lifestyle, aim for the higher end of that bracket. Over the next few weeks increase your protein intake to the recommended levels and reap the benefits of your hard work!



IMPORTANT INFORMATION: all content provided here is of a general nature only and is not a substitute for individualised professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and reliance should not be placed on it. For personalised medical or nutrition advice, please make an appointment with your doctor, dietitian or qualified health careprofessional.