What is Creatine? Benefits of Using Creatine When Training

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Highly researched and studied, creatine helps athletes and fitness enthusiasts take their training to the next level

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What is Creatine? Benefits of Using Creatine When Training

What is creatine?

Creatine is a naturally produced body acid found within the skeletal muscle of the vertebrates. It is produced predominantly within the liver and kidneys from amino acids L-arginine, glycine and L-methionine.

Generally, the creatine found in our bodies is derived from the foods we consume, although it can also be acquired from specific supplementation.

Creatine Mono
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Due to creatine’s capacity to deliver energy when required, it is predominantly used by sportsmen to increase their ability to rapidly generate energy, therefore enhancing performance and allowing an even higher intensity of training.

What are the benefits of taking creatine?

Creatine is commonly used amongst sportspeople due to the results produced during high-intensity training. When used in supplementation, the chemical promotes energy production within the body; with more energy, the greater ability to perform during intense training leading to increased muscle strength and size. The increase in muscle size ‘fullness’ and strength is caused by creatine drawing water from within the muscle cells. This increase further promotes the muscle cells to increase the proficiency with which protein is utilised by the body.

Creatine can also cushion lactic acid; the build-up or ‘burn’ felt during intense training may be dulled, potentially assisting with more reps of the activity or exercise.

There are several benefits of creatine to training, including training for elderly athletes too. Below are a few of the main benefits of supplementing with creatine:

  • An increase in muscle fibre size (hypertrophy)
  • Improves maximal strength and power
  • Enhances brain power and activity
  • Enhances bone regeneration
  • Improves recovery post endurance training
  • Promotes greater muscle gains in increasing fat-free mass

How to incorporate creatine into your routine

Current research recommends a daily dose of between 2-5g creatine(1). This could be taken in the form of a pure creatine supplement such as True Creatine, or split across other performance supplements such as Pre or Post Workout. High-quality creatine should be almost completely tasteless and smooth in texture, making it easy to add to any liquid of your choosing.


Should I be using creatine?

Creatine has been the subject of many tests, studies and research, making it one of the most widely studied supplements in the world. If you're after an effective supplement to assist in extra power/ reps – creatine is it! Just remember, like all supplements, it should be combined with a healthy diet and training. If you’re in doubt about whether creatine is right for you, speak to a certified trainer or fitness professional.



    1. Neto, J.D.O.V., da Silva, C.A., Lima, A.B., de Souza, F.J.R., Pinto, D.V., de Sousa Araujo, J., de Oliveira Assumpcao, C. and de Francesco Daher, E., 2018. Effects of low-dose creatine monohydrate on muscle strength and endurance. Asian journal of sports medicine, 9(3).

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: all content provided here is of a general nature only and is not a substitute for individualised professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and reliance should not be placed on it. For personalised medical or nutrition advice, please make an appointment with your doctor, dietitian or qualified health careprofessional.